


發表時間:2018/3/27 15:55:51 來源:互聯網 點擊關注微信:關注中大網校微信

桑拿天 sauna weather (The heatwave that has already lasted three days is expected to ease and temperatures should fall to around 30 degrees Celsius after rainfall on Wednesday. However, the rain could continue until Saturday, leading to "sauna weather" during the second half of the week. 據估計,本周三(北京)將迎來降雨,持續三天的熱浪將得到緩解。但這場降雨將持續至周六,在本周后幾天將京城徹底拖入“桑拿天”。)

桑拿浴 sauna

散伙飯 goodbye dinner

三天打魚,兩天曬網 work by fits and starts (Jones works by fits and starts and lacks continuity in endeavor.瓊斯做事三天打魚,兩天曬網,不夠努力堅持。)

三提五統 three deductions [for public reserve funds, public welfare funds and management fees, tr.] and the five charges [charges for rural educat ion, family planning, militia training, rural road construction and subsidies to entitled groups]

三無人員 (無合法證件,無正常居所,無正當生活來源) people without identificat ion papers, a normal residence permit, and a source of income; “sanwu” people

三峽移民 Migrants from Three Gorges area

掃黃,打非 eliminate pornography and illegal publications

掃盲 eliminate illiteracy

掃尾工作 round-off work; wind-up work

掃除文盲 eliminate illiteracy

騷擾電話 crank call

森林覆蓋率 forest coverage; percentage of forest cover

森林女孩;森女 mori girl (Hibi Akemi shows three styles of girls -- street gals, mori girls and sweet princess. 日比朱美向大家展示了“強力辣妹”、“森林女孩”和“公主系女孩”三種年輕女孩的時尚造型。)

沙塵暴 sand storm; dust storm

沙雕 Sand sculpture (An annual sand sculpture festival kicked off in Berlin. 一


殺雞用牛刀 break a butterfly on the wheel

傻冒 blockhead; simpleton; foolishness; to exude foolishness

沙漠化 desertification

殺手锏 sudden thrust of the mace--one's trump or master card

剎住大吃大喝、公費旅游、鋪張浪費的奢侈之風 put a stop to extravagance and waste(wining and dining of official guests,touring the country at public expenses)

煞住歪風 put an end to the unhealthy practice 傻瓜相機 Instamatic (商標名, 焦距、鏡頭均固定,被稱為 foolproof 相機)

曬工資 salary show




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