Give the floor to 請…發言;給予發言權
It is a great pleasure for me to我很榮幸…
Relevant issues 相關問題
Updated research result 最新的調查結果
Attach the importance to 對…給予重視
Lead-edge technologies領先技術
Minister Counselor公使
Natural heritage自然遺產
Shared concern 共同關心的問題
Well-deserved reputation良好的信譽
對…表示衷心的感謝express sincere gratitude to
請…講話 Let's welcome to give a speech
雙邊會議bilateral conference
以掌聲對…表示的最熱烈的歡迎propose the warmest applause to
頒獎儀式the Award Ceremony
賀詞greeting speech
隆重舉行observe the grand opening of
請…頒獎 Let's invite to present the award
取得圓滿成功achieve complete ceremony
全球慶典global celebration ceremony
宣布…結束 declare the closing of
請全體起立,奏國歌 Please rise for the national anthem.
Collective stewardship集體管理
Competitive job market充滿競爭的就業市場
Financial institutions金融機構